Arn Anderson Makes Surprise Appearance At AEW All Out (VIDEO)

Arn Anderson, one of the original four horsemen made a surprise appearance last night at AEW All Out, coming to the aid of Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes was taking on Shawn Spears who had Tully Blanchard, another member of the horseman, in his corner.

Later in the match Tully intervened and got physical and it was “The Enforcer” who came out to even the odds, hitting Shawn Spears with his patented spinebuster.

Watch below as Anderson makes his return to the Ring last night:

Weekly Wrestling Roundup – Crown Jewel, Triple H Injured, UFC, Wrestlemania 35

Weekly Wrestling Roundup – Crown Jewel, Triple H Injured, UFC, Wrestlemania 35


 Crown Jewel

Although this event should never have happened in the first place, following the controversies surrounding WWE’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, it did.

From the all-American “World” Cup, the loss of Roman and the refusal of Bryan and Cena to go to Saudi Arabia this show was on a doomed trajectory and it lived up to it quite radically.

Hulk Hogan

Hogan has been gone from WWE tv since 2015 following the leak of a sex tape which showed him, un-prompted, firing off a racist tirade. Further controversies followed after an earlier recording was leaked in which he said to his then jailed son Nick that he hopes neither he nor Nick get reincarnated as black people.

WWE’s decision to bring Hogan back from this is completely tone deaf, and to do it at an already controversial event is equally astounding. Hogan came to the ring at Crown Jewel as “host” to his ‘Real American theme music’ – once again, the tone deafness of the entire thing is incredible.

Hogan hasn’t drawn in nearly two decades, I’m sure people will pop when his music hits in future as he undoubtedly a legend but whether 2018 WWE needs Hulk Hogan is doubtful.

The World Cup

WWE’s world cup tournament to determine the “best in the world” was a farce from the start and with the exclusion of all non-Americans it was quickly a laughing stock. To top it all off the winner was not even on the card… it was Shane McMahon… This was completely out of left field and not in any kind of good way.

The best thing to come out of this is that after his victory somebody opted to have a little fun with Shane’s wiki page….

Brock Lesnar and UFC

Back to the reign of terror of Brock we go. This match was a cluster from the start, Baron Corbin smashed Braun from behind with the title before Brock unleashed a flurry of F-5’s. One throwing Braun over the top rope – which looked rather brutal.

I cannot get on board with them not putting the belt on Braun here unless it is used to catapult Drew McIntyre in some manner, even then it just screams out one solid F-U to the fans.

Brock is obviously set to fight in UFC next year, reportedly against Heavyweight Champion Daniel Cormier; Cormier called Brock out this Saturday, telling him he should bring the Universal Title to UFC for D.C to win that too.

Triple H Injured

During his match at Crown Jewel, Triple H was thrown over the top rope when it immediately became clear that he was hurt as he grabbed at his right shoulder and chest and was checked at ringside by medical staff.

It has since been reported by PWI and WON that Triple H suffered a torn pectoral and that as a result this may have thrown any Wrestlemania plans up in the air. If surgery is required, it may mean Triple H is not back in time for ‘Mania and any proposed match with Batista.

Triple H reportedly flew directly back from Saudi Arabia to the USA for medical evaluation – missing the current European tour.

Wrestlemania 35 Tickets

WWE announced that Wrestlemania 35 tickets will go on sale on Friday November 16th at 10am E.T.

VIP travel packages are on sale today November 5th at 12 noon E.T.

RAW Review: Roman, The Shield, Ronda and More

Roman Reigns

Raw kicked off with the harrowing announcement from WWE’s top guy, Roman Reigns that he is currently battling Leukaemia – a disease he has had for 11 years, has been in remission from, but has now returned.

This was one of, if not the most heart-breaking things I have ever seen take place in a WWE ring. The 33-year-old Roman Reigns has been one of the most divisive figures in wrestling history but has always delivered for the fans and for the company. He most certainly does not deserve to have to deal with this at such a young age.

Roman says that he has beaten leukaemia before and will do it again and WILL be back. I think I can speak for everyone in saying we cannot wait for the day he returns to full health and comes back home where he belongs.

A Broken Shield

With what happened at the opening of the show I don’t think anyone could have predicted an ending quite like this. Dean and Seth fought against Drew and Dolph, displaying that energy and teamwork we’ve come to love and expect from the Shield. And they actually WON the Tag Titles!

It seemed to be the happy ending to one of the most devastating shows on record…

… But not tonight. The Shield broke down in front of our eyes. Dirty Deeds to Seth on top of the titles and the crowd were audibly shocked.

Ambrose laid into Seth outside the ring, dropping him on the bare concrete with another Dirty Deeds, before exiting through the ferocious crowd, screaming “how could you?” and “why dean why?”

This closing segment was nothing short of fantastic. The heel turn was extremely well done and Michael Cole’s call of “NOT ON THIS NIGHT!” just added something extra to the moment. It would have been easy for WWE to run with the feel-good close of the show, but for once they have taken this in a much more interesting direction. One which I am certainly excited for.

Elias the face!

After quickly dismantling Apollo Elias made his way to the stage perform, where he was interrupted by Corbin who threatened to fire Elias and even used Stephanie as a threat, and for the trouble he got… smashed with a guitar!

Elias has gone from getting some of the greatest heel heat in years to getting great babyface pops in the space of weeks. I don’t hide that I’m a fan of Elias, he’s one of the few top names in the company which has been allowed to grow organically, without feeling like he’s being over-produced.

Ronda being… Ronda

Ronda has gone from strength to strength since her debut, less than a year ago remember!

Her promo against the Bella’s last week has gotten some major attention and rightfully so – it was one of the most raw and non-pc promos they’d had on the show in a long time.

Ronda was cool, calm and collected in this contract signing, simply saying at the end “I will end you”.

Two months ago Ronda v Nicki was not in my mind the match I wanted at Evolution… that has all changed. They’ve hooked me.

Grade: 8/10

This show will certainly go down in the history books for many reasons, Roman’s opener and the Shield shocker are but two. I think there was a nice flow to the majority of the show with threads of the Shield and of Braun and Drew running throughout. There were still some dead matches thrown in which is a shame, but as a whole, this is maybe the most emotional and un-formulaic episodes of Raw I’ve seen in years.

Batista Hints at HUGE Future Match?

The 1000th episode of Smackdown last night was full of surprises, superstar returns and nostalgia. One of the highlights perhaps came in the middle of the advertised Evolution reunion. The legendary faction of Triple H, Batista, Ric Flair and Randy Orton reformed on this milestone episode of Smackdown, with Batista leading the charge.

The segment has led to huge amounts of speculation amongst fans as to whether Batista is gearing up for a return match. The Animal boasted that Triple H has done everything in WWE, except defeat Batista. This led to a brief stare-off and tension between the two, before Flair broke things up.

This is not the first time Batista has mentioned this match, last year on the Talk is Jericho Podcast Batista said:

I said I would come back and run a whole program with Hunter. That’s the only thing I’m interested in and they’re just not interested in it.”

Only time will tell what this all means, but it certainly has the rumour mill spinning about a potential final run of matches between the Evolution partners.

You can watch the whole segment from Smackdown 1000 below:

SEW Weekly Round-up- HIAC, Saudi Arabia, Super Showdown and more

This weeks SEW Weekly Roundup takes a look at Hell in a Cell, news surrounding Super ShowDown and the next Saudi Arabia show entitled ‘Crown Jewels’, we also discuss Alexa Bliss, WWE Womens Tag Titles and more –  see the video or audio only podcast below.


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Weekly Wrestling Roundup 09/09/18

This weeks weekly roundup covers ALL IN, Raw and Smackdown highlights, news on Batista, WOS Wrestling and more…


Listen to the audio only version here, or click the link on the right to subscribe on iTunes: